Rachel Oidtman

Postdoctoral Researcher


205 Erman Hall
1103 E 57th St‎.
Chicago, IL 60637

Curriculum Vitae
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Dr. Oidtman is now an alumna of the Cobey lab. Below is an archived description.

I investigate pathogen transmission dynamics by confronting dynamical models with data, with a general interested aimed at gaining a better understanding of complex epidemic dynamics that occur across scales. In the Cobey Lab, I am working on individual-level dynamical modeling of longitudinal data to understand the development of immune protection to influenza.

Prior to joining the Cobey Lab, I completed my PhD in Biological Sciences from the University of Notre Dame under the advisement of Alex Perkins. There, I worked with health agencies and nonprofit organizations to applied mechanistic and statistical models to investigate questions regarding drivers of epidemics, fallouts from misdiagnosis during epidemics, and methods to improve applied epidemic response.

When not working, I enjoy running, hiking, baking cookies, and hanging with my animals (cat - Luigi, dog - Myhan, and six chickens - various names).